THIS WILL BE MY LAST ATTEMPT TO SAY THIS | God Message Today | God Message For You |Gods Message Now

my beloved child I speak these words to you directly from my Throne Room listen closely and receive my

message of Hope and affirmation for your life I see the weight of Despair that threatens to crush your

spirit the financial burdens the relational stresses they seem

overwhelming but take heart for the dawn of Deliverance is near I declare favor

prosperity and divine health over you even now the enemies that assail your fath family and livelihood will soon be

routed their attacks cannot withstand the authority I vest in my children even now opportunities approach

unseen Over the Horizon by faith stretch out your hand to receive the blessings I

have prepared specifically for you in days time a shift in the natural and

spiritual Realms will unlock breakthroughs tailored to propel you into long awaited

promise my beloved why persist in feudal toil when freedom and favor stand ready to envelope you the storms have served

their purpose carving channels in your soul to receive more of my glory and

power the isolation and tears though difficult to Bear were necessary to

refine you for greater influence but that season lasts no longer rejoice and

lift your head for the sun emerges from behind the clouds the era of lack and

conflict fades in the rear view on obsolete remnants of an expired past

behold I open the floodgates of Supernatural Supply customized for The Unique calling upon your life strangle

holds of addiction shatter chains of depression and anxiety dissolve sudden elevation into

previously unfathomed Realms of achievement shall be your testimony my darling one take my hand

and allow me to lead you into Transcendent Adventures designed Before Time time for your maximum joy and

Destiny fulfillment our Oneness will only deepen through the journey

ahead if you feel distant from me come back to the Garden of intimacy where I

await you always there your soul can flourish once more nourished by the Water of

Life my child why look to fragile Shadows for Comfort when I stand ready

to embrace you fully bring me your praise and thanks in advance for our covenant cannot

fail reframe your wounds as platforms to display my loving solutions to a hurting

World while chaos and fear dominate the airwaves tune your ear to my voice

singing Love Songs over you I flung The Stars into space with a

thought realigning circumstances to launch you into promise will be simple in

comparison fix your eyes on me alone and watch as I Amaze all who deemed your dreams impossible beloved you’ve played

small for too long content to deny your beauty and mute your voice no more your

stage is set and the curtains rise strength forged in adversity and wisdom distilled through tears equip you for

the grand role I composed for you alone go forth confident that you are

cherished and adored why revisit past sins when freedom rings all around the

accuser’s lies dissolve when countered by my blood covering you eternally you are blameless protected

safe in my love temporary threats to your identity may arise but surface Mists stand no

chance against the warmth of my affection for you apple of my eye Glimpse your

Peerless worth mirrored in my smiling face you hold a special place in my

heart beloved take my hand and Adventure awaits but Comfort craves familiarity

and predictability none of which accompany a life fully yielded to my

wild and wonderful plans for those who trust me the choice is yours will you

cling to the illusion of control or boldly give yourself to my glorious

design even now Heaven rallies to orchestrate and guide your steps

therefore wait with hopeful expectancy of course the enemy Endeavors to disrupt what I am birthing attacking with

vicious Precision but greater am I in you than this futle resistance stand your ground lift your

eyes and victory will be yours my beloved I will never abandon

halfway the Masterpiece I have begun crafting in you doubt cannot halt the momentum Heaven has Unleashed to propel

you into promised identity with me as your Vigor and guide

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